Monday, November 3, 2008

Let's part...

Let's part
with no hard feelings...

Let's part
knowing we are not
made for each other...

Let's part
hurting no more...

Let's part
not hating each other...

Let's part
to smile at each other...

Let's part
before I fill this blog
with the hatred for you!!!

So please,
let's part!!!!


R. Ramesh said...

hatred sucks..was sitting 10 people from different parts of the world..whites, black, brown...all of us included..and realised how love is the common bond among all humanity..well, sorry, i am not a philosopher..just another human being.

Srishti Padathiyaar said...

I hate to hate!! But at times, you can't help it!!! You are pushed to hate someone even if you hate to hate that person!!!Because I'm just another human being.
Thankx for ur view ramesh.. :)

Amit Charles said...


Everybody hurts...

Liked the flow of it.

keep it rollin;)

Srishti Padathiyaar said...

Yea, you are right.

Everybody hurts!!!

Thankx scribbler :)

Tricksand said...


It is said... it is the intense love that can turn to the worst hatred....

Love brings someone close to our heart,,,

But hatred... takes it deeper...

The more u hate... the more u can not get over it.....

The best way is to let go...... if u let it the leaves falling down from a tree... it moves away without a scar... but if u pluck it... it bleeds and leaves a scar....

Srishti Padathiyaar said...

@ tricksand

Nice thought friend.

Jasmine Rahul said...

so sad