Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It was a bright and sunny morning in the year 1985.
A little boy was impatient in front of the operation theatre.
He looked more anxious than his dad,
for his mom had promised him a special gift very soon.

And at about 10.45am,
he heard a disturbing,
loud cry of a baby inside the room.
He held his dad’s hands tightly.

A few minutes later,
a nurse opened the door and
brought a white wrap of cloth.
He couldn’t see what was in it,
so the boy stretched his legs

and tried his best to get a glance.
That’s when his dad took the wrap of cloth

and showed it to him.

There it was…
His gift from mom!

Wrapped in white cotton cloth,
Tiny eyes closed and alseep,
Tiny hands folded and close to chest,
Curly hair, black and fallen on her forehead,
Her face so soft and red,
There she was lying, his gift!

His angel!!!

The little boy couldn’t stop his smile.
He was afraid to touch her.
Slowly, he bent and kissed her on the forehead.
The first touch of love,
she got from the unfamiliar world!

And so…..


Rajeswari said...

I can almost see the little boy and the baby... :)

A Liberated Soul said...

Very touching! :)

mrniiiceguy said...

lots of parents still dont know how to do it right ... i think the mom is the real smart one ... and the baby the real blessed one :)

peter ivan said...

A really vivid and imaginative one keep up the good work,

let the words emerge untill it transpires to create images

kim said...

ultimate creation... :)

Deepa Gopal said...

Nice one...I could the scene unravelling...Nice voice:)

Srishti Padathiyaar said...

To all

Thankx for the views and opinion.
Well, this is a story I've heard all my life till now. And it's mostly my brother who narrates this to me, when we miss each other a lot and spend hours on phone talking about little things in life and pull each other's legs !

So this is actually the things that happened on the eve of my birth. I just changed it into words!